PyconWeb - May'17

The Pyconweb conference, held in the premises of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, took place during the last weekend of May. The conference aimed to gather people with a common interest for Python-based web development.

The talks I enjoyed most on Saturday were:

The talks I enjoyed the most on Sunday were:

Having attended the Barcelona Python meetup on a regular basis over the last two years, it was a good refresher to get in touch with professionals from all over Europe that rely on Python for their businesses’s technological needs.

On the other hand, I expected a higher number of talks would be relevant to my day-to-day job dealing with topics such as scalability issues, async-programming pitfalls with Python or high-availability architectures. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

Finally, the organization was really really good. Lunch was delicious, just like coffee served over the weekend and the social event on Saturday night at Hofbräuhaus was spot on.

It was a fun weekend and I look forward to attend other conferences like this one in the future. Maybe Pyconweb 2018? Time will tell.

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